The City at Eye Level for Kids
The quality of public space is the backbone of a sustainable city.
Great streets, places where you intuitively want to stay longer, interaction between buildings and streets on a human scale, ownership by users, placemaking and good plinths (active ground floors) and a people-centred approach based on the user’s experience - that’s what The City at Eye Level is all about.
It’s a book, an open-source learning network and a programme for improving cities, streets and places all over the world.
This edition focuses on the dimension of children and their caregivers in the city and the active role that they (should) have in city-making. Powered by the Urban95 Program, by the Bernard van Leer Foundation, this book travels through 65 research studies, city programs, case studies, and personal stories from 30 different countries around the world.
Using the knowledge we gathered for our book and in our other projects as foundation, we help cities and their partners to develop strategies to create or improve their own great city at eye level. In addition to being part of the worldwide and European open-source learning network, through this edition and project we have also started a dedicated “for Kids” network focusing on developments on child- and family-friendliness of cities around the world.
With our network partners we:
- devise rules and strategies for new city development;
- help to transform existing streets and districts;
- set up “place and city at eye level” games to co-create with the local network;
- set up street coalitions and place management;
- initiate and carry out our own projects;
- give public lectures and organise training programmes and master classes.