The City at Eye Level: Lessons for Street Plinths (second and extended version)
Second and extended version, 2016
Public space quality is the backbone of a sustainable city. Great streets, places where you intuitively want to stay longer, human scale interaction between buildings and streets, ownership by users, placemaking and good plinths (active ground floors) and a people-centred approach based on the user's experience - that is what The City at Eye Level is all about. It is a book, an open source learning network, and a programme for improving cities, streets and places all over the world. The second edition was written by over 80 co-authors, edited by Stipo and put together in partnership with UN Habitat, Future of Places, Gehl Architects, PPS Project for Public Spaces, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of PUCRS - Porto Alegre, and Copenhagenize Design Co.
With the knowledge as fundament, we help cities and their partners to develop strategies to create and improve their own great City at Eye Level. With our local and worldwide network partners, we set up rules and strategies for new city development; help change existing streets and districts; set up place and plinth games to co-create with the local network; set up street coalitions and place management; give public lectures and organize training programmes and master classes.
Join the community: www.thecityateyelevel.com